Clear Mucus: Causes and How to Stop It

What is clear mucus?
Unlike green or yellow mucus clear mucus is the right kind of secretion the respiratory (breathing), gastrointestinal, visual, urinary, reproductive and hearing system organs need. It protects their epithelial membranes or cells lining the passages, etc., of those organs. In the breathing organs clear mucus perform the following functions:

  • lubrication
  • protection from air pollution particles
  • protection from viruses, bacteria, fungi, germs
  • protection from dust particles, etc.

So that those organs, e.g., sinus cavity, lungs, bronchi, etc., can properly carry on their functions. Clear mucus contain: mostly water, non-organic salts, mucins, glycoproteins, antiseptic enzymes, etc. It is produced by glands found in the mucous membranes lining those organs. Our lives would be miserable without this kind of mucus. On the other hand excessive amounts of clear mucus can also be very annoying. Thus having the proper secretion amounts of clear mucus is what we all want. Our breathing apparatus produces about a pint a day of mucus, which we hardly notice while it is thin. When it becomes thick, then we can become aware of its presence. At those times the it is recommended that we drink plenty of water to thin it. Clear mucus is mostly produced by the sinus membranes. Since we are mostly familiar with and are interested in the mucus produced by the respiratory organs, I will focus on the clear mucus produced for them.

Causes of excessive clear mucus
This type of mucus can be connected with the following disorders:

  1. Hay fever -- also called "runny nose," "stuffy nose," its medical term is: allergic rhinitis. It is an irritation and allergic inflammation of the nasal membrane caused by allergens, such as pollens, dust, animal dander, etc. It can cause:
    • the clear, watery, mucus-like substance one sees is actually histamine.
    • post-nasal drip by itself
    • a combination of: mucus, phlegm and post-nasal drip if irritation causes an infection
    • nasal congestion
    • the presence of yellow or green snot or headache would indicate that an infection, like sinusitis, is in progress
    • there is not a cure, yet, for hay fever and all we can do is to lessen the symptoms
  2. Colds -- they are usually a virus infection which, unfortunately, cannot be stopped; all we can do is to minimize symptoms
    • it is important to avoid a secondary infections from the irritation of the sinus membranes connected with colds
    • antibiotics will not do any good
  3. Viruses -- like in the case of most colds they must follow their course
  4. Allergies -- they are hypersensitivity of the immune system to normally harmless things in the environment called allergens. Allergies can play a major role in conditions such as asthma, sinus drainage, etc. Food allergy is also common and they can produce other reactions such as eczema, hives, hay fever, asthma attack. If the reactions to hay fever are severe medical assistance should be sought soon
  5. Sinusitis -- it is an inflammation of the sinus cavity membranes, often accompanied by excessive colored mucus, headache or pressure pain and sinus drainage, which can be due to:
    • infection
      • bacterial -- they can be cured with an antibiotic
      • viral -- often they last about 10 days
    • allergy
    • autoimmune issues
  6. Bronchitis -- an inflammation of the membrane lining the bronchial tubes and it can be:
    • acute or
    • chronic, each one has its own symptoms
    • it can be also accompanied by white, yellowish-gray, green mucus
    • viruses cause about 90% of acute bronchitis cases
    • bacteria cause less than 10% of acute cases
    • cigarette smoking is the most common cause of chronic bronchitis
    • air pollution and occupational exposure to irritants are also common causes of chronic bronchitis
  7. Asthma -- in children it can be accompanied by coughing and runny nose when caused by hay fever
    • symptoms include wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, shortness of breathe
    • can be caused by genetic and environmental factors
    • symptoms can be prevented by avoiding triggers such as: allergens, irritants and inhalations, but be sure not to harm the cilia on the nasal membrane
  8. Food -- it is an adverse allergic reaction to a food protein which the body's immune system mistakenly identifies as a harmful one. Any severe reaction should be consulted with a physician soon.

Sin uses MRI

Sinus MRI

There are other sinus issues, but the ones, above, are probably the most common ones.

How to prevent excessive clear mucus
Prevention is always preferable to curing. Here is what I do or would on prevention for excessive mucus in the respiratory system:

  1. Try to go to what I suspect may be the cause of the problem: hay fever, cold, virus, etc.,--per above list of disorders. Then lower my vulnerability to the specific health issue I suspect is involved by following the suggestions that follow:
    • hay fever -- I keep as far away from suspected allergens as I can and eat right
    • colds -- many colds are virus produced and are often connected with the changing seasons. I would strengthen my immune system by:
      • taking extra Vitamin C
      • at the first sign of a cold I would take elderberry concentrate and allicin--garlic active ingredient
      • rest and relax all I can
    • viruses -- I basically do the same as for a cold
    • allergies -- a non drowsy antihistamine is a standard remedy, however if the excessive mucus is accompanied by other strong reactions I would consider allergy tests for possible desensitizing therapy
    • sinusitis -- I don't allow a nasal cavity or sinus cavity congestion or pressure go unchecked; because the accumulated mucus can stagnate and cause sinus infection (sinusitis) with its yellow and/or green mucus; over time sinus cavity diseases can begin to develop if the infection becomes chronic. I do acupressure every day (4-5minutes) to keep my sinuses clear at all times. Sometimes the infection is from infected mucus in the nasal membrane
    • bronchitis -- if I follow the above tips chances are bronchitis would be prevented
    • asthma -- to prevent its cause is the ideal, the problem is that there can be a host of things that can trigger an asthma attack. Just to name some:
      • airborne allergens:
        • pollen
        • animal dander
        • molds
        • house dust
        • dust mites, etc.
      • colds and respiratory infections
      • cold air
      • smoke
      • smog
      • certain medications such as: beta blockers, aspirin, etc.
      • stress and strong emotions
      • allergic reaction to some foods, such as: peanuts, shellfish, etc., etc.;
        • I would try to ascertain what is (are) the main culprit(s)
        • avoid it (them) as best I can, and
        • have a quick-relief inhaler to control symptoms
  2. Unless my good common sense or physician tell me otherwise I would make it a habit to drink plenty of plain, room temperature water everyday. This helps to:
    • strengthen the immune system
    • help flush toxins, mucus, etc. from the body
    • promote general health and well being
  3. I would avoid eating, or significantly reduce mucus producing foods such as: fermented foods, sugar, among others
  4. Reduce significantly or totally eliminate mucus producing foods, especially during the times excessive clear mucus is more significant
  5. For short spells of excessive mucus I would use a non drowsy antihistamine such as: Allegra, Claritin. This help prevent an irritation of the respiratory organ membranes and thus possibly avert infection, etc.
  6. I try to keep my sinuses clear at all times
  7. Fasting and medicinal herbs for cleansing of the body and therapeutic reasons is recognized as potentially very effective to boost the body's immune system so it can better protect us. I would seriously consider it if my excessive mucus was a chronic condition
  8. Disorders such as excessive mucus are often aggravated by too much stress for too long; thus I would seek to reduce it and find moments for total relaxation each day
  9. I would nip sinus pressure in the bud to avoid complications. Sinus pressure is per hasps more responsible for sinus infection than most realize
  10. Wrongs foods is probably the number one root cause of excessive clear mucus
  11. Often the full nerve energy needed for healthy organ functioning is impeded by a misaligned vertebra, this can keep your sinuses from functioning properly. There is a simple, painless procedure that can correct this, for more details on this Click.

Clear mucus relief
From the previous sections above, it is obvious that we would not want to eliminate all clear mucus, but an excessive amount of it only. Whether we say: reduce clear mucus, stop clear mucus, relieve clear mucus or just eliminate it, the goal is the same: have clear mucus cease to be an annoyance. This is what I did, basically, that produced the latter goal. Please understand that almost all the prevention tips given above would also be applicable to the relief or elimination of the excessive portion of clear mucus--it is advantageous to know the meaning of other mucus color. All I need now is to make some changes or additions to the "How to prevent . . ." section items, above. Thus I:

  1. Try to go to what I suspect may be the cause of the problem: hay fever (rhinitis), cold, virus, etc. Then eliminate the cause(s) of the problem. Thus for:
    • hay fever (the medical term is "rhinitis") -- I would:
      • keep as far away from suspected allergens, e.g., house dust
      • stop eating mucus producing foods--as much as possible
      • take an antihistamine following carefully instructions on the label
    • colds -- many colds are virus produced and must run their course. Antibiotics won't do any good. Thus I strengthen my immune system by:
      • taking extra Vitamin C
      • taking elderberry concentrate and allicin--garlic active ingredient--at the onset of the cold
      • resting and relaxing all I can
      • if there is no improvement in a few days I go see the doctor
    • viruses -- I would basically do the same as for a cold, above
    • allergies -- a non drowsy antihistamine is a standard remedy to lessen symptoms. However if the excessive mucus is accompanied by other strong reactions or symptoms such as sinus pressure, sinus drainage, phlegm, etc. I would go see a doctor and discuss with him (her) allergy tests for possible desensitizing therapy
    • sinusitis -- I would not allow a nasal or sinus congestion or pressure go unchecked; because the accumulated mucus can stagnate and cause sinus infection (sinusitis)--as when there is also the presence of yellow or green mucus or of phlegm--therefore I would :
      • do acupressure to clear my sinuses fast and boost immune system naturally
      • take allicin
      • if sinus pressure develops I would take guaifenesin (an OTC remedy) if the acupressure--sinus pressure points--does not clear the sinuses fast
      • sinus drainage that is not cared for early on can cause irritation, infection, drainage, etc., thus act promptly
    • bronchitis -- I do the following:
      • get as much rest as possible
      • drink much fluids
      • monitor mucus color
      • breathe in warm, moist air
      • take medications as needed:
        • Antibiotics--the doctor needs to prescribe any antibiotic and he will do so:
          • if one smokes
          • a bacterial infections is suspected
          • to avoid a secondary bacterial infection
        • Cough medicine is fine, but not to suppress coughing since it is best to expectorate all mucus possible
        • If the situation worsens the doctor may prescribe some other
    • asthma -- depending on the particular individual there can be a host of things that can trigger an asthma attack and which should be avoided as much as possible. Just to name a some:
      • airborne allergens: pollen, animal dander, molds, house dust, dust mites, etc.
      • colds and respiratory infections
      • cold air
      • smoke, smog
      • certain medications such as: beta blockers, aspirin, etc.
      • stress and strong emotions
      • allergic reaction to some foods, such as: peanuts, shellfish, etc., etc.;
        • I would try to ascertain what is (are) the main culprit(s)
        • avoid it (them) as best I can, and
        • have a quick-relief inhaler to control symptoms.
  2. Consider the items that follow as applying to all seven causes listed in the section: "How to prevent . . . ", above; unless my physician tell me otherwise:
    • I drink plenty of plain, room temperature water. This helps to:
      • boost the immune system
      • flush toxins, mucus, etc. from the body
      • promote general health and well being
    • I would avoid eating, or significantly reduce mucus producing foods such as:
      • fermented foods
      • sugar
      • others
    • For short spells of sinus congestion and excessive mucus I would use a non drowsy antihistamine such as: Allegra, Claritin. This help prevent an irritation of the respiratory organ membranes and thus possibly avert infection, etc.
    • Disorders are often aggravated by too much stress for too long; thus I would reduce it and find moments for total relaxation each day.
Nasal Cavity and Upper Respiratory Tract

Nasal Cavity and Upper Respiratory Tract
a - vertebrae, b - esophagus, c - trachea
d - cricoid cartilage, e - laryngopharynx, f -
pharynx, g - nasopharynx, k - tongue,
l - hard palate, o - superior turbinate,
p - middle turbinate, q - inferior turbinate

Natural remedy for clear mucus
The best natural remedies for both prevention and managing clear mucus which I have found follows:

  • Avoid as much as possible mucus producing foods. This is explained in detail in: 3 Steps to Sinus and Mucus Relief, click
  • Cut back 80%-90% on sugar--which can give headaches to those with allergy issues
  • Take a natural antihistamine when allergies seem to be the cause of the excessive clear mucus:
  • take bromelain--extracted from pineapple--the best one. It is found in pineapples and can be bought separately as a extract. I buy a fresh pineapple and eat it in about 2 days. It has, besides, these additional properties:
    • anti-inflammatory
    • digestive aid
    • body-healing accelerator
    • pain killer
    • stroke and heart disease inhibitor
    • blood pressure reducing agent

Prevent clear mucus
Please, understand that a certain amount of clear mucus is normal and necessary for respiratory health. Yet there is an an amount of mucus which can go beyond of what is needed and which can irritate and annoy. Thus here is a summary of what I would do to prevent that unwanted amount of clear mucus

  1. There is normal clear mucus which is necessary
    • to lubricate the respiratory organs
    • to give humidity to air when it is dry, etc.
    • to eliminate excess clear mucus associated with a disorder
      • ascertain possible cause, please click
      • eliminate the best way you can the cause(s)
      • recognize that often excess clear mucus prevention relates to allergies
  2. There is histamine--which is also a clear watery mucous substance
    • produced as an allergic reaction to protect against perceived germs, etc.
    • for temporary relief I use an antihistamine such as: Allegra, etc.
    • if it is chronic and year round I would check for allergic rhinitis (hay fever)
  3. Many people are allergic to house dust and don't know it; make a simple test to see if you are
  4. Keep up your general health by
    • remembering that what we eat can have an impact on clear mucus prevention and health in general
    • eating a balance diet--foods has much to do with sinus health
    • lots of fresh fruits and vegetable
    • almonds 3-4 times per week
    • pomegranate juice--is loaded with anti-oxidants, etc., etc.
    • cut back sugar is you have a sweet tooth
    • exercising regularly
    • weight control
    • to prevent or relieve diabetes
    • having regular period of relaxation
    • stop smoking if you do
  5. The immune systems should be carefully maintained
    • antioxidants should be taken daily, e.g.,
      • Pycnogenol, fresh pomegranates, blueberries, etc.
      • pomegranate and blueberry extracts
    • fresh garlic or its active ingredient allicin can be used regularly
      • allicin is very unstable and so far only Allimax produces stable allicin
      • allicin, some say, is ":nature's antibiotic" and germ fighter
      • serious scientific research attests to its long list of benefits
  6. Drink plenty of water daily and again, use sugar sparingly
  7. Learn to manage stress positively
    • prolonged stress weakens the immune system
      • many viral attacks, flu, colds could be avoided lowering stress level
      • faith and confidence in a Supreme, loving Being
    • science corroborates that many diseases' onset are associated with stress
  8. Nip sinus pressure in the bud--many sinus issues begin with congestion and pressure
  9. A positive attitude about life is a winner, even for the preservation of health
  10. Clear mucus prevention can also enhance also the prevention of yellow mucus and promotes general health

Stop clear mucus
Sometimes the cry goes out: "Stop clear mucus," this is what I would do to stop clear mucus:

  1. Drink 5 glasses of water per day
  2. I would quit smoking if I were a smoker
  3. When allergies are involved I would:
    • identify the allergen
      • pollens
      • house dust, which often includes
        • dust mite droppings
        • animal dander
      • outside dust
      • household washing and cleaning chemicals
  4. keep away from those allergens as much as possible
  5. consider taking an antihistamine like "Allegra"
  6. for a chronic condition I would see an allergist physician
  7. remember that allergens can cause irritation, sinus pressure, sinus drainage even infection
  8. Quit eating mucus producing foods
    • fermented foods
    • see list, below
  9. Use sugar and dairy products very sparingly or even better, eliminate
    • sugary breakfast cereals
    • desserts
    • soft drinks
    • cow's milk
  10. I would keep in mind that prolonged excessive clear mucus can irritate the sinuses and passages and cause infection
    • often just a change of diet takes care of the problem
    • a sinus rinse twice a day can help to avoid irritation
    • usually and antihistamine can stop clear mucus
  11. I would consider food allergy as possible cause and proceed to identify it
    • I would try to isolate the food involved
    • just do not eat that food
  12. Change of mucus color to green or yellow would be a sign of infection and would deal with it as such
    • green and yellow are often signs of a sinus infection
    • pink or reddish require a visit to the doctor
    • sinus drainage can cause irritation and can be a sign of sinus infection
  13. Avoid the mucus to accumulate and create sinus pressure
  14. I get all the information I can get on clear mucus relief
    • from books
    • I subscribe to health organizations and get their publications, e.g., Life Extension
    • from the internet
    • talking to sufferers
    • doing experimentation with various remedies safely
    • asking physicians questions pertinent to my situation
      • I write down their answers
      • compare the answers with other information I have

Clear Mucus and Food
Having a lot of clear mucus these days? Often mucus is produced in the sinuses, nasal cavities and other organs of the respiratory system as an allergic reaction to environmental elements--basically a mistaken reaction by the immune system. Most people, however, don't realize that foods can heavily make worse excessive mucus production, while others can be mucus friendly. Consider making some common sense tests by eating certain foods and see their reaction on your sinus and nasal membranes. There has been some debate as to whether foods can cause mucus. We have no question about it: Foods can produce or help produce sinus mucus, pressure, drainage, etc. So learn what they are the sooner and you will be then be able to find out to what extent they could be affecting your mucus production issues. 3 Steps to Sinus and Mucus Relief, discuses this item in detail and offers specific suggestions. Wrongs foods can also cause sinus pressure and exacerbate allergic reactions. You could ignoring what could be the most important element in managing mucus. No matter how hard you try otherwise, unless you address the matter of food as a potential cause of excessive mucus, other steps alone may not suffice to bring you the permanent relief you may be seeking and deserve.

The best cure is prevention and if a person were to abstain, as much as possible, from mucus producing foods that would be the best mucus healing foods one could eat, along with other lists of foods that can affect the sinuses and other respiratory system organs.

Foods Which Can Produce Clear Mucus:

  • Edibles containing food additives
  • Eggs
  • Fermented foods
    • beer
    • wine, etc
  • Sugar containing foods
    • soft drinks
    • pastries
    • ice cream
    • most desserts
    • cold breakfast cereals
  • Dairy products
    • cow's milk
    • yogurt
    • cheese
    • milk shakes and malts
  • Refined grains
    • white bread
    • white rice
    • pastas, etc
    • grains and legumes
Sinus-Clearing Foods:
  • Fresh fruits
  • Pineapple
    • highly prized for its healing and cleansing properties
    • brome lain is its active medicinal ingredient
    • it's available in any super-market
  • Vegetables
    • cruciferous are known for their cleansing and medicinal properties
    • other vegetables are needed daily for a balance diet
  • Garlic
    • considered by experts as a "miracle herb"
    • considered also as nature's "antibiotic"
    • it has anti fungal and anti cancer properties
    • the list of remedial benefits is long
    • thousands of scientific research attest the validity of many claims
  • Onions
  • Chiles
    • together with other hot spices it clears the sinuses and breathing passages
    • it's inexpensive and readily available
  • Ginger
  • Cayenne pepper containing spices - see under "chiles", above

Clear Mucus Friendly Foods
For those suffering from excessive mucus or those wanting to prevent excessive mucus, here is a list of mucus friendly foods:

  • Fruits
    • pineapples
    • lemons and limes
    • grapefruits
      • has cleansing properties
      • promotes general health
    • avocados
  • Fresh vegetables
    • carrots
    • lettuces
    • turnips
    • yams, etc.
  • Garlic
    • it is loaded with medicinal properties
    • it can help prevent and relieve sinus infection
  • Coconut water
    • it has much potassium
    • it is credited with bodily cleansing properties

Next time you have a headache, drainage, sinus pressure, or if your allergies flared up within a few hours after eating a hefty meal, remember, there could be a connection between the last meal eaten and those sinus miseries.

Clear Mucus Healing foods:

  • Non-mucus forming foods:
    • fruits
    • green-leaf vegetables
    • nuts
  • Fruits
    • pineapples
      • it has bromelain
      • it contains other medicinal properties
    • lemons and limes
    • grapefruits
      • has cleansing properties
      • promotes general health
    • avocados
      • promotes general health
      • helps the body cope better with sinus mucus
  • Fresh green-leaf vegetables
    • swiss chad
    • lettuces
    • spinach
    • celery, etc.
  • Nuts
    • almonds, especially
      • non-acid forming
      • it is considered by some to be a cancer preventer
    • filberts
    • pecans
    • walnuts
    • pistachios, etc
  • Spicy foods
    • they have decongestant properties thus helping prevent sinus mucus accumulation and pressure
      • peppers
        • cayenne
        • jalapenos, etc.
      • other "hot" peppers
    • they should be used with moderation
  • Garlic
    • it is loaded with medicinal properties
    • it has been called "nature's antibiotic"
    • it can help prevent and relieve sinus infection
  • Coconut water
    • it has much potassium
    • it is credited with bodily cleansing properties

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Key Elements to
Remember for
Sinus Cure

Right foods
Pressure points
Right natural remedies

A combination of healing systems working synergistically (cooperatively) for your sinuses is the key to sinus healing

Combining empirical research and reading many sources of information is how I found this new approach

The right sinus relief is more than just taking medications. It involves: Right eating, botanicals, some regular medications & pressure points for the sinuses

Foods can significantly affect your sinuses. Learn which foods can cause problems and which ones promote healing





Disclaimer: I am not a physician nor a licensed health care practitioner. The statements made in this web site or in the publication: Three Steps to Quick Sinus and Mucus Relief, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are intended to describe what I did or would personally do only, and not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease or condition for others. The reader should continue to regularly consult a physician with regard to his or her health. Especially with respect to any matters or symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical care.

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