Fasting: To Fights Your Sinus Mucus

Whoever heard of fasting in the 21st century? Except for some Oriental religious groups or biblical accounts, fasting is practically unknown in our Western society. Yet wellness authorities would corroborate that fasting: helps fight infections and mucus by detoxifying and cleansing our bodies; renews and rejuvenates. If there is a true natural self-cleansing and healing element which is free and can keep our bodies healthy it would have to be fasting, when properly carried out. For it enhances all around the way our bodies function by promoting optimum health. Sinus infections, mucus and other sinus issues could in many cases become a thing of the past.

Fasting and sinus
Because of its body cleansing effect fasting can help detoxify the body and thus give it a better chance to fight sinus infections, excessive mucus, etc. I have fasted and I say it is good for the sinuses. The bodily internal organs get a rest, specially the digestive system, when one fasts and this in and of itself is also good. The sinuses seem to drain better and therefore cleanse themselves when one fasts. If I would still have sinus problems as I used to, I would fast for two days about once a month.

How to fast
Some say that if you plan to fast it is better to prepare for it by eating a cleansing diet for a couple of days before, this can greatly help start the cleansing process. Fresh salads, vegetables and fruits and/or their juices stimulate waste elimination. Some go as far as saying that: "Fresh foods and juices can literally pick up dead matter from your body and carry it away." While some take nothing in, except water while fasting, others say you can take 3 grams of a mixture of vitamin C powder in liquid form. Why? They say that besides being a potent antioxidant--which helps flush out deadly free radicals that can produce very harmful effects such as: Cancer and other degenerative diseases--vitamin C is also known for promoting collagen, good for the production of new healthy tissues. This is particularly true, they say, if you are fasting to detoxify from prescription drugs and/or alcohol. Fasting, obviously, can also help an overweight person.

Hunger pangs
By the way, some authorities say we don't need to be afraid of the "hunger pangs" some dread. The craving for food lasts several hours only and then the body begins to adjust itself to the new "mode." During those vulnerable hours when one feels tempted to break the fast one can get real busy reading a book or watching a favorite TV program; or simply working on a favorite hobby. If for any reason and at any point one should feel that fasting "is not for me," one should stop immediately.

How fasting works
Fasting works by self-digestion. The body will, during a fast, automatically decompose and burn substances and tissues that are diseased, or damaged, for example: Excess fat deposits, tumors, abscesses, excess water, etc. Some believe that a short fast of 1 to 3 days can help the liver, kidneys, lungs, skin and bloodstream tremendously by helping to eliminate unwanted toxins and other unhealthy elements. Your first time fasting may produce a temporary headache, fatigue, bad breath and other body odors, mouth sores, diarrhea and possibly other discomforts. All these are signs, say the experts, that the body is in the process of ridding itself of all those unwanted waste matters that have accumulated for years and are now in the process of exiting it.

How and for how long
How long should you fast? This is a decision one needs to make based on such things as: general health, age, how thorough do you want your body to be detoxified, how self-disciplined you are, etc. If you have any doubt about fasting, especially in relation to some particular health issue you may have, consult your doctor. Some start fasting once a week for 24 hours during which time one may eat nothing, but drink a lot of sugarless liquids: water, natural fresh juices. One can do this for several weeks. Then as one sees how much better one feels one may decide to fast 2 to 4 days every 3 to 4 months, or to continue the weekly one day fasting indefinitely. There is no question that in many cases one can feel better and look better. If during any of the fasting periods one should come to the conclusion that one should should stop for health or for any other reason, please, do so. And one need not feel guilty about it.

How to end your fast
After a fast some make the mistake, some authorities say, of overeating. The fasting should be followed by a light meal. Eating cruciferous vegetables: cabbage, turnips, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, watercress, etc., right after fasting helps cleanse the intestines of waste pockets, since the fiber from those veggies act like brushes on the intestinal wall and in those pockets. One may want to give it a try. My wife and I have fasted for 3 days and we are glad we did.


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Key Elements to
Remember for
Sinus Cure

Right foods
Pressure points
Right natural remedies

A combination of healing systems working synergistically (cooperatively) for your sinuses is the key to sinus healing

Combining empirical research and reading many sources of information is how I found this new approach

The right sinus relief is more than just taking medications. It involves: Right eating, botanicals, some regular medications & pressure points for the sinuses

Foods can significantly affect your sinuses. Learn which foods can cause problems and which ones promote healing





Disclaimer: I am not a physician nor a licensed health care practitioner. The statements made in this web site or in the publication: Three Steps to Quick Sinus and Mucus Relief, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are intended to describe what I did or would personally do only, and not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease or condition for others. The reader should continue to regularly consult a physician with regard to his or her health. Especially with respect to any matters or symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical care.

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