Sinus Pressure Points: For Temporary Relief of Pressure
Looking for a quick fix? Or Would you like to have permanent relief? If you have been battling sinus pressure for a long time you will probably prefer the latter. If you do, indeed, please, click here.
Relieve sinus pressure pain
Clear your sinuses and nasal cavities in a few minutes without taking a pill or doing a sinus rinse. Acupressure points for the sinuses (sinus pressure points) have been used in the Orient for a long time. It is based on the idea that there are places or points on the skin that are especially sensitive to bio-electric impulses. It makes sense since the brain produces low-voltage electric energy--measured in millivolts--that is transmitted throughout the body by the nervous system. Without this electric network our body organ could not function.
These points can conduct those impulses readily by stimulating them with pressure or heat and trigger the release of endorphins neurochemicals that relieve pain--and help dissolve tension. This, in turn, promotes healing. This is the way some oriental countries have found healing for millennia and still do. Now is our turn here in the West to try this simple and effective healing system. To know where to find these points and apply pressure, please, click.
Knowing which pressure points can benefit the sinuses is what you want. Yet sometimes a simple natural procedure can bring well being to all the body. For example, freeing the spinal cord from pressure caused by a bone that is out of alignment, can allow nerve energy to flow in full force and can be enormously beneficial for the sinuses and the entire body. Sometimes infected mucus and contaminants accumulate in the nasal cavity or the sinus cavity and they must be removed safely.
Sinus pressure points are intended primarily to relieve sinus pressure, sinus headache and sinus congestion in the sinus cavities by removing stress concentrated in those areas and stimulating the cilia. If the sinuses are not cleared, mucus will accumulate and stagnate, pressure will build up and sinus infection and sinus pain will follow. Ideally the best way to relieve those two issues--congestion and pressure--is to go to the cause of the sinus problem, for example allergy to house dust or other environmental allergen. Sinus pressure point procedures, while not going to the cause of the problem, can help the cilia--hairlike organelles in the sinus membranes which move mucus--to drain the sinuses and thereby stem a possible sinus infection and possibly some obnoxious symptoms like green snot, etc; provided the sinus pressure points are done properly and as many times as it is necessary to keep the sinuses clear as well as the nasal cavity and upper respiratory tract. Fast sinus pressure relief should be one of the goals for sinus health. There are other methods of dealing with sinus pressure, congestion, allergies, sinus drainage, excessive mucus, for example by using medicinal herbal teas. One should be aware that food can have a big impact on sinus health; knowing which foods to avoid would be a plus.
How to relieve sinus pressure
Whether by using acupressure or some other technique, most readers would be primarily interested in knowing a safe, simple way to relieve sinus pressure symptoms. Thus what I would initially do follows:
- I would do acupressure point A, as explained under Relieve Sinus Pressure, below, click
- I would drink much fluids until the sinus pressure symptoms are gone
- plain water at room temperature
- soups
- herbal teas
- thyme is considered to be a decongestant
- regular tea has caffeine which I would avoid
- If the acupressure does not begin to clear the sinuses within 10 minutes I would then:
- supplement the acupressure with steam inhalations or
- consider doing a sinus rinse
- I would not eat mucus producing foods until the sinus congestion or sinus pressure is totally gone
- If my sinus pressure was chronic I would:
- ascertain which specific foods may be contributing to the problem
- find out whether I am allergic to some items in my environment, like:
- house dust
- some specific pollens
- household chemicals
- pet dander
- not let this condition go on indefinitely
- Avoid mucus producing foods

Nasal Cavity and Upper Respiratory Tract
a - vertebrae, b - esophagus, c - trachea
d - cricoid cartilage, e - laryngopharynx, f -
pharynx, g - nasopharynx, k - tongue,
l - hard palate,
o - superior turbinate,
p - middle turbinate, q - inferior turbinate
External causes of sinus irritation and pressure
Often nasal and sinus membrane irritation is associated with congestion and sinus pressure, which may originate from hay fever, house dust, etc.This is because the irritation produces extra mucus--to wash off germs, foreign particles--and which the nasal and/or sinus cavities cannot handle fast enough; becoming sometimes sinus drainage. Sometimes there is a blockage of the sinus opening into the nasal cavity due to swollen sinus membranes. The point is that the mucus accumulates and creates sinus pressure, pain, and some of it can become green snot. If left that way it can stagnate and cause a sinus infection, drainage, and potentially contribute to sinus cavity diseases. Coughing yellow mucus could be a sign of the latter. Common causes of sinus drainage, sinusitis and irritation of the nasal and sinus membranes follow:
- Allergies
- Pollens
- Specific foods
- Smog
- House dust
- Cold air
- Dry air
- Viral infection
- Colds and flu
Internal causes leading to sinus pressure
Sinus pressure points can be used for chronic sinus pressure requiring relief that is caused by subtle, yet very real internal factors. They include things like:
- Strong emotional factors: Stress, worry, grief, guilt. When unresolved these feelings cause muscular tension which also tends to close the sinus passages. As acupressure releases this tension, the sinuses often clear and the problem is solved
- Constipation, poor diet, lack of exercise: Food has to do more with sinus problems than most people realize. Learn which foods are bad for your sinuses and which ones have healing properties
- Structural: Sometimes the structure of the nasal cavity is such that it impedes the right airflow through the nasal or sinus passages. Although these cases are relatively few, nonetheless they should be considered
Knowing how quickly to relief sinus pressure by following some simple steps, which include acupressure, can be very beneficial to avoid a potential infection.
Acupressure (sinus pressure points) - how it works
There are places on the skin which are particularly sensitive to the body's natural bio electric impulses and can easily transmit those impulses. Stimulating these points with acupressure can cause endorphins to be released; which are neurochemicals that relieve pain. Pressing on those points can also release muscular tension which accumulates around them. This tension keeps areas of the body from functioning properly. Thus, by applying pressure on those points we are helping a particular area or organ to function better and relieve some conditions as and others.
Sinus pressure points to relieve sinus pressure
What you need is to release pressure that has built up in the sinus cavities. Mucus must be encouraged to move to the nasal cavities. Sinus acupressure--sinus pressure points therapy--can do this very effectively. Acupressure is an old oriental therapeutic method of dealing with many common ailments. It is based on massage and pressure to stimulate the circulation of the vital energy that goes to specific areas of the body. To help drain the sinuses one's own fingers are used to apply pressure and massage on very specific bodily points--the sinus pressure points. Of course, knowing sinus pressure symptoms as well as sinus pressure prevention is the best way to tackle sinus pressure, and acupressure can help prevent sinus pressure and other conditions such as bronchitis. Here are some acupressure points to:
- With the tips of the two index fingers, apply firm pressure on each side of each nostril. The fingers should be at approximately a 90°angle in relation to the face. The pressure should last between 4 - 5 minutes. This acupressure point, if rightly used, will begin to drain the sinuses cavity in a few minutes and relieve congestion and pressure quite rapidly
- Feel an indentation of the inner eye socket next to where the bridge of the nose meets the ridge of the eyebrows. Apply pressure on both eye sockets at the same time with the tip of the thumbs for 4-5 minutes. These two sinus pressure points (A and B) can be worked one right after the other. If properly executed they should bring relief to pressure and mucus congestion within minutes. Herbal teas from echidnae and astragalus can prevent a sinus congestion from becoming a sinus infection accompanied by sinus drainage, pain, etc.
- In the center of the back of the head in the large hollow right under the base of the skull. Apply pressure with the middle finder for 3 - 4 minutes. This pressure point should clear the sinuses from mucus, head congestion, headaches, mental stress
- A combination of any of A, B, or C
Steam inhalation or sinus rinse together with any of A, B or C can be a strong combination if acupressure by itself does not do a lasting job
For other acupressure points and a thorough explanation as to how to use them: click
Not everyone responds the same way to a given sinus acupressure points. There are two other very effective pressure points for sinus congestion, pain and sinus pressure explained and illustrated in: "Three Steps to Sinus & Mucus Relief " plus a host of other valuable information with respect to sinus ailments. Sometimes sinus disorders have been successfully tackled with fasting. While on occasions and temporarily an OTC remedy can supplement the pressure points therapy to relieve sinus pressure. For example, Sudafed, Mucinex.
Excessive sinus and nasal drainage
Sinus pressure points therapy is primarily designed to relieve pressure and the headache that sometimes accompany it. We could reason that the opposite of sinus pressure would be excessive sinus mucus drainage. But of course, this is a problem, too. Because it could be a symptom of a sinus infection. The truth is that normal, healthy people produce between 1 - 2 pints of clear mucus--the good kind of mucus--a day; and we don't even realize it! We actually don't notice "excessive mucus" until it becomes thick and we feel it sliding down the back of the throat. Quantity, therefore, is not so much an issue as it is the quality of mucus. Air dryness, for example can produce a thick yellow mucus, so does not drinking enough water.
Therefore, don't be alarmed if after your sinus pressure is relieved there is for a while a copious amount of mucus going through or coming out your nasal cavity. Clear, watery mucus is the healthy kind, while yellow and green mucus can indicate the presence of a sinus infection. should be noted that the difference between mucus and phlegm is that the latter is produced by the lungs--the nasal cavities don't produce it--it is very sticky and it functions in a different way than mucus. Phlegm is the immune system's way of handling an overload. Post-nasal drip, on the other hand, is caused by irritation and inflammation of the nasal or sinus cavity membranes. The excessive mucus produced by those membranes flows from the posterior portion of the nasal cavity directly to the throat area. Often a natural remedy can alleviate the problem enough that it's all you need to combat an ordinary sinus drainage. When excessive mucus appears to be linked to allergic rhinitis I would consider taking an antihistamine. And remember house dust allergens that can cause sinus membranes irritation can be initially identified through a simple test.
Pressure points to prevent sinus infection and boost immune system
Apply pressure with your thumb on the upper edge of the elbow crease for about 4 - 5 minutes.
Apply pressure in the webbing between the thumb and the index finger at the highest point of the muscle when the thumb and index finger are brought together, for about 4 - 5 fingers.
Place your middle fingers in the hollows directly below the protrusions of the collarbone, just outside your upper breastbone.
Mucus and phlegm
Our lives would be rather miserable without mucus in our breathing organs. It is produced by the sinus and nasal cavity membranes and have lubricating, moisturizing and protective functions--serving also as part of the body's defense mechanism against unwanted intruders like: dust particle. On the other hand, phlegm, a specialized kind of mucus--produced primarily in: the lungs, bronchial tubes and brionchioles--is particularly necessary to protect our breathing system against viruses, germs, etc. When it is colored or excessive it can be an indicator that something needs attention. For example, a sinus infection. Mucus is secreted by the body all the time, we don't often notice it, however, until it becomes thick or excessive. Phlegm, on the other hand, is a special type of mucus linked to our immune system mechanism. The amount of mucus we normally produce every day can reach a quart. It is advantageous knowing the meaning of the color of mucus, since it can be helpful in combating a sinus disorder early on.
Causes of sinus pressure
One or more of these elements can irritate the sinuses and eventually build up sinus pressure:
- Some foods
- Allergic reaction to these environmental items:
- Viruses
- Dust
- Animal dander
- Smog
- Pollen
- Viruses
- Household chemicals
- House dust
- Smoke
- Colds, flu
- Infection in the sinus membranes
Relieve of sinus pressure and allergies
One of the most common causes of sinus pressure is allergic reaction to such outside environmental elements as: pollens, smoke, etc. Excessive sinus drainage can accompany an allergic reaction. And the home environment can also be the cause of allergies. For example, animal dander, house dust, dust mites droppings, cleaning and washing chemicals. There is a simple test that can be made to know quickly if one is allergic to some household element: take a good sniff close to the suspected item and see what happens. It can be very revealing. If sneezing, coughing, itchy or watery eyes, or shortness of breath happen shortly thereafter, then thee is a good possibility that one may have found an allergen. Allergies and hay fever are often exacerbated by certain foods we eat, and we should be aware of this. The simplest approach to dealing with allergies and hay fever is to stay away from the source of the allergenic that bothers us; but this is often not so simple. Thus one needs to figure out some strategies to deal with this problem. Maintaining the nasal and sinus passages clear and bringing sinus pressure relief as soon as it starts can avoid sinus pressure and its often sequel, a sinus infection.
Rhinitis and acupressure
Rhinitis is a persisting inflammation of the nasal membranes which produces a constant "runny nose" disorder. The healing properties of sinus pressure points therapy (acupressure) principles are not limited to sinus pressure. They can be extended to include excessive phlegm or mucus; viewed from the standpoint of boosting the immune system to prevent respiratory infections. Anytime there is unchecked excessive mucus draining through the respiratory system, irritation of those membranes, followed by infection, is a common sequence. Allergy to house dust is sometimes an unknown cause of irritation of the nasal and sinus cavities' membranes and infection as well as allergic rhinitis Acupressure sharpens the immune system to prevent a sinus infection. It should be recognized that rhinitis, although not ordinarily a serious condition, it can be the cause of a nasal or sinus infection--if the irritation of the cavities membranes produced by viruses or other contaminants is left unattended.
Steam inhalations
Another effective and quick way to drain the sinuses and relieve sinus pressure is by using steam inhalations. The following items should be remembered to avoid hurting oneself: The face should be far enough away from the source of the steam so that the heat entering the nostrils are not above 102° F. Heat above this temperature would harm the cilia, very important tiny hair like organelles, that keep the mucus moving in the right direction in the upper respiratory area. To the boiling water can be added a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil, this would have an anti-microbial effect in the airway areas being addressed by the inhalation. One should not go and expose the sinus area to cold air immediately after an inhalation procedure.
A common, inexpensive and very healthy way to ward off sinus problems is the use of plain, pure, room temperature water in the order of 6 -8 glasses a day. This would also help to deal with other health issues and to prevent others. This simple item together with acupressure on the sinus pressure points gives the sinus sufferer an inexpensive way to begin to relieve sinus ailments, and if done regularly, a way to prevent them.
Foods and drink
Often a significant root cause of many sinus problems is what we eat and drink. Some of them are plainly bad for people, period, with or without sinus ailments, since they are not good for health in general. One should know what those foods are and make some important decisions regarding them. On the other hand, there are foods and drinks which have healing properties that one should also become acquainted with. To the extent that one is willing to deal with the food issue, one could be on his/her way to eliminating a significant cause of sinus problems--this is specially true with allergies which can be easily exacerbated by certain foods. In fact, two types of foods are significantly more responsible for sinus ailments such as sinus pressure and drainage, than most people realize. Knowing what they are could make the difference between a set of healthy sinuses or ailing ones. On the other hand, some foods can serve as medicinal herbs at the same time they flavor your food.
Some common ailments such as sinus pressure and congestion could be very easily relieved in most cases or prevented if the right kind of: information and determination are present to go to the root cause of the problem to act on it. Acupressure or sinus pressure points can play a vital role in this.
Prevention of sinus pressure
Two things are important to promote sinus health and should be given priority:
- keep the sinus cavities and passages clear
- doing sinus acupressure regularly helps to keep sinuses clear
- to relieve sinus pressure at the onset of a sinus congestion

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